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Responding to Tim, NoOp, and Kracked Press all at once to minimize the
number of emails.

On 11-10-20 07:24 PM, NoOp wrote:
... How was the document created?

I couldn't say, I wasn't the one who created it, and don't have direct
access to that person. I can only assume Word...?

  You my want to export your doc to a pdf and then look at the
File|Properties|Fonts and see what they are. 

I did this and get: DejaVuSans, Georgia, TimesNewRomanPSMT,
TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT, Georgia-Bold, DejaVuSans-Bold.

I'm not too sure what to do with this information, though, I admit...?

On 11-10-20 07:56 PM, Tim L. - Webmaster wrote:
Did you open "Places" to your home user folder?  Mine is timothy.
Did you click on the "view hidden files and folders" option in the
View option?
Did you see a lot of "." folders, like .libreoffice and .mozilla? 
.fonts should be there is you see the hidden folders that become
viewable when you check the "view hidden" option.

Yes, yes, and yes. I have only ever installed Ubuntu's default fonts
plus the msttcorefonts package, which is quasi-default. The .fonts was
created when I installed by the double-click method.

To be honest, I would not double click any font and try to install it
from a file shown in the .fonts or the usr/share/fonts/  folders.  I
usually create a folder of the fonts I want to look at in my "timothy"
home folder - say fonts-to-be-looked-at - and then place all the fonts
there I might want to install.  Then I go over the fonts in the
default viewer and click on the install button if I decide I want it. 
At that point I move that font from a "to be looked at" folder to a
"fonts-i-installed" folder.

I just tried it this way, with the same result.

On 11-10-20 08:08 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
It push comes to shove, I bet you can get TTF copies of the different
Georgia fonts that are needed, then install them by the double click
method.  They should be the ones your system uses, since they are the
newest ones.  My LO seems to use them and they are listed in my .fonts
folder.  I do not remember if I installed the MS core font .deb package.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you here, this is what I just did at Tim's
advice. It doesn't seem to have worked.

I myself have
Georgia Bold.ttf
Georgia Bold Italic.ttf
Georgia Italic.ttf
Georgia Ref.ttf
plus some of those in opentype fonts as well.

The only one I'm missing is "Ref", which I can't imagine would make a
difference...? Also, mine use underscores rather than spaces between the
words, could that be relevant?

Thanks to you all for your help! This problem seems really trivial, but
is actually keeping me from doing editing work.

If you have any last ideas, please let me know.


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