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On 10/16/2011 08:16 PM, Macho Philipovich wrote:
Hi there,

I hope this is the appropriate place to send support questions. I
couldn't find anything relevant in the FAQ or other help documents. I'm
running LibreOffice 3.4.3 OOO340m1 (Build:302), shipped with Ubuntu 11.10.

I have ttf-mscorefonts-installer set up, and so fonts like "Georgia" are
available and can be italicized, etc. However, I was sent a large
document that is mostly in Georgia, and looks fine, but has problems
with italics and bold. Rather than having the font set to "Georgia"
along with the property of being bolded or italicized, the document has
the font name in various places itself set to "Georgia Italic", "Georgia
Bold", or "Georgia Bold Italic", which it doesn't recognize, so renders
in some default sans serif font.

I need to be able to view the file properly without messing with its
fonts, as I'm going to record changes to collaborate with the author. Is
there some way I can do this? Is a "replacement table" what I need? I
wasn't able to figure out how to do it or find any documentation that
seemed to work for my version.
How was the document created? I did a test by creating an LO and MS Word
doc using Georgia in WinXP - just a simple:
Georgia Regular.
Georgia Bold.
Georgia Italic.
Georgia Bold Italic.

I then opened those (the .odt and .doc) in Ubuntu 10.10 with the
ttf-mscorefonts-installer installed. The fonts look exactly the same as
the Windows version. I tested with LO 3.3.4 and 3.4.3.

I then tested those Ubuntu 11.10 w/LO 3.4.3 _without_
ttf-mscorefonts-installer installed and exported to a pdf so that I can
see what the substitute fonts are. They are:

I then installed ttf-mscorefonts-installer and reopened the same
document. I then exported to a pdf & the fonts are:

You my want to export your doc to a pdf and then look at the
File|Properties|Fonts and see what they are.

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