Hi :)
Thanks for risking that! Also thanks for getting back to the list about it!
Good work chap :)
The problem is at the java end rather than the LibreOffice end. I don't think
there is much we can do at this end and we have no control over what an external
organisation does if they have decided they are a competitor. Does the _27 seem
as fast as the _21?
Regards from
Tom :)
From: David H. Lipman <DLipman@Verizon.Net>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Wed, 31 August, 2011 18:53:05
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: 3.4.3 released. Stable and
From: "Tom Davies" <tomdavies04@yahoo.co.uk>
Hi :)
I don't know if LO likes jre7. Given that it seems to be going downhill i
avoid it but it's probably worth testing as you can always change quite
Just be careful what files you open using the version you are testing ;) Also
please let us know how it goes if you do test it.
Regards from
Tom :)
It still doesn't recognize JRE 7 but JRE v6 update 27 is installed and it works
with that.
I would think that if an update was to be given subsequent to the relaese of JRE
v7 that
the update would include its recognition.
Maybe in a major release like v3.5 ?
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 3.4.3 released. Stable and functionality combined (continued)
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