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On 08/25/2011 10:32 AM, Ulrik Långström wrote:
How do people use LibreOffice effectively?

It's been about 15 years since I used programs like LibreOffice (MS Word at the time) to write documents. Maybe a single page or two, but not anything with a structure.

Whenever I needed to write longer documents, with headings, references quotes, sections et cetera; I used LaTeX and lately HTML.

Now I need to use LibreOffice, because everyone else at my job does, and it's been driving me crazy. As I was trying to insert a few excerpts into my documents, it stuck me: maybe I'm used to a completely different work-flow than what is expected by LibreOffice, and that's why nothing makes sense and things that should be easy seem impossible.

So my question is: How do you work with LibreOffice? Does anyone have any personal anecdotes about moving from LaTeX or HTML to LibreOffice?


You can use LaTeX with the extension. there is one at -

As for HTML, LibreOffice can do some HTML work, but it was designed as an alternative to Office suites like MS Office.

For me, you need to decide what format your document needs to be in. HTML for browser-based viewing [try Kompozer for a free HTML editor], or printed document based.

I have not used LaTex, but I have written many Web Pages and Browser-Based documents. I use Web Page editors for that. For all printed documents and spreadsheets, I have used LibreOffice ever since it came out. I started using Word 95 and switched to when it could read/write .doc files. When LibreOffice came out, I like it better. Since Oracle dumped OOo a few months later, it seemed a lot of OOo users preferred to use LibreOffice as well.

So what are the types of documents are you creating?
That will help us help you.

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