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Hi Ulrik,

Ulrik Långström schrieb:
How do people use LibreOffice effectively?

It's been about 15 years since I used programs like LibreOffice (MS Word
at the time) to write documents. Maybe a single page or two, but not
anything with a structure.

Whenever I needed to write longer documents, with headings, references
quotes, sections et cetera; I used LaTeX and lately HTML.

Now I need to use LibreOffice, because everyone else at my job does, and
it's been driving me crazy. As I was trying to insert a few excerpts
into my documents, it stuck me: maybe I'm used to a completely different
work-flow than what is expected by LibreOffice, and that's why nothing
makes sense and things that should be easy seem impossible.

So my question is: How do you work with LibreOffice? Does anyone have
any personal anecdotes about moving from LaTeX or HTML to LibreOffice?

You can use it similar to HTML. LibreOffice uses internally tags, but they are hidden behind wysiwyg. If you unzip a document and look into the content.xml you will notice, that the file format is similar to HTML. In LibreOffice you use "styles". You open the Style&Formatting-Window with F11. You can think of a style as marking a portion of text with tags and assigning css at the same time. For paragraph-style it is enough, if your cursor is inside the paragraph. So applying the style "Heading 1" will mark that paragraph internally as <h1>...</h1>. It adds a classname in addition. You can alter the style later on, which will alter the style-definitions for that class. All paragraph styles result in "block"-elements. For characters, you have to mark them before you can apply the style. All character styles result in "inline"-elements.

As you are familiar with tags, you should not use direct formatting via symbol bar or short-cuts, but always use styles. The first entry in the Format-menu will remove all direct formatting. Using direct formatting results in a lot of trouble for longer documents

Kind regards

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