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On 08/04/2011 06:24 AM, Ron Van den Branden wrote:
Hi Cor,

On Thursday 4 August 2011 12:10:59, Cor Nouws wrote:
Ron Van den Branden wrote (04-08-11 11:52)

Well, I was hoping that a perhaps a new locale could be defined

Maybe in the dictionaries.xcu ?

Actually, I tried this by adding a node for HunSpellDic_en_GB-oed:

<node oor:name="HunSpellDic_en-OED" oor:op="fuse">
<prop oor:name="Locations" oor:type="oor:string-list">
<value>%origin%/en_GB-oed.aff %origin%/en_GB-oed.dic</value>
<prop oor:name="Format" oor:type="xs:string">
<prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">

...but this had no effect: no en-GB-OED language option appears in the language bar. It seems like the values for the "Locales" property are references to definitions elsewhere, though I don't know where.

Sometimes Q&N is helpful :-)

Anyway, renaming files is probably easier than changing different configuration files after each libreoffice update.

Kind regards,


Could someone tell me what it the difference between the standard en_GB and the OED [Oxford English] version?

The .aff and .dic files for the OED version are from 2005. I cannot find the en_GB outside the install files so I do not know what its dates are [in the .deb install files, the .aff and .dic dates use the install file date instead of the creation dates].

In your Extension Manager, Which English dictionaries are listed. In the .deb install files for en_GB language pack, there are several version of English dictionaries to be installed; GB, US, AU, ZA. Could one of these pass the problem spellings? Could you deactivate or remove the ones you do not want to use?

Also, since the .dic files are really just a list of correct spellings, could the "flagged" words be missing? I found a dictionary word list of over 200,000 words and it did not include "dictionary" in that list. Words can be missed.

Maybe you could remove the other dictionaries from the folder where it is stored. My English dictionary files [in Ubuntu] are located at "/etc/libreoffice3.4/share/extensions/dict-en". Or you could look into the .dic word list file and see if the incorrect spelling is listed there. If so, you could always remove that word.

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