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Well, the side by side installation, and running together, of OO & LO DOES have to do 
with having the correct settings in Windows. Since I have never run any of the Linux 
type OS's, I have not idea how those kind of things are accomplished, or if it even 
makes any difference. I DO know that a side by side installation installs and runs 
properly, both in Win7 and XP. I also have that on my XP desktop machine - actually 
my wife's "game" computer - and I use that machine from time to time as it is 
attached to my scanner.
And, it also appears from some of the posts here that there are some that might be 
having problems with their installations because they may not completely understand 
default programs, file associations, and the "open with" option.
And that is why I have said that maybe it would be better to have these lists 
separated by OS types - to see if problems are OS specific or not. That does make a 
Its apparent that not everyone even mentions what OS, or versions, they are running 
when they start posting problems. So this "side by side" issue, at least as far as I 
have seen where enough info has been given in the posts, could be more of an OS issue 
rather than an overall problem with either OO or LO. IMHO, that is something very 
important to the programmers.
Just my 2 cents worth. Roxy

Hi Roxy, Jay--

Thank you for your replies but please keep on topic.

This thread is not about how to change file associations in Windows or how
to set a particular program as the default in Windows. We all know how to do
this already (I hope) and we all accept that only one program will launch on
double-clicking files of a particular type. Rather, it's about the highly
unusual -- and puzzling -- warning in the LibO 3.3.3. release notes and the
recommendation to uninstall before installing LibreOffice.

From your reports, I gather that it is possible, after all, to have both
these suites installed on a computer and working normally. Thanks, that is
valuable information. However, two questions remain: What about the note
from Jack that there could be a problem because the main executable in both
LibO and OOo is named soffice.exe: does action need to be taken in this
regard? And if not, can the warning to uninstall OOo before installing LibO
be removed?

At this point, it would be good if a developer or website maintainer with
insight on what is going on could chime in.

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