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Cor & Twayne,

Thank you for your replies.

Twayne wrote:

If you think about the preceding paragraph, it's saying that both OOo and
use the same file types and thus there could be confusion to the program
to which program should open a given file. 

Why should there be confusion? If LibO during installation grabs all ODF
file types for itself, then doubleclicking on, say, an .odt file will launch
LibO Writer but not OOo Wtiter. OOo could then still open the .odt via File
Open. And vice versa, if the user is given a choice during LibO
installation to leave existing file associations intact. Ditto for Microsoft
Office file types.

Twayne wrote:

Since you're apparently leaving OOo for LO

Not so fast . I'd like to have both OOo and LibO coexisting on my system
indefinitely. And I would expect to be able to make either program the
default for all (or only some) possible file types via Windows Control Panel
at any time.

I've searched the bugzilla to see if this has been filed as a bug, did not
find one. However, I found this:, which suggests that LibO
does not play nicely with OOo (but maybe it's only a problem for Portable

I wouldn't mind not being able to have both LibO and OOo open and running
simultaneously, but I find the suggestion to uninstall OOo before installing
LibO mystifying.


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