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I use the Microsoft Compatibility Pack with Office 2003, and it works well.  I didn't realize they 
had got that working all the way back to Office 2000 finally.  

It helps if the folks who produce .docx files using Office 2007 and Office 2010 use what is called 
compatibility mode so that there documents are more acceptable "down-level" into earlier versions 
including those using the compatibility pack.  (E.g., there is a checkbox in the Save As dialog of 
Word 2010 to "Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word".)

Also, the additional ODF Converter 4.0 seems to work well at accepting ODF files into Office 
programs that have the Compatibility Pack installed.  (It is a rather indirect process - the 
automatic conversion is to OOXML which the Compatibility Pack then takes from a temporary file into 

The Compatibility Pack is a Microsoft Download.  It looks like the installer for ODF Translator 
4.0, the latest version, will install it if you don't have it already.  Likewise for the .NET 2.0 
features that it needs.

The ODF Translator is on SourceForge.  More information at 

 - Dennis

PS: There is a chicken-and-egg problem with the ODF Converter documentation downloads.  The 
documentation files are in OOXML .docx format, so you need the Compatibility Pack first in order to 
read any of that, or you can try them in LibreOffice of course.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nuno J. Silva [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 08:11
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] helping Users and LibreOffice - proposal

On 2011-06-11, planas wrote:

The wierd part about MSO compatibility is I need both for different
reasons. At work our server MS Server 2003 does not understand any MSO
format after XP/2003 but a group I work has users who insist that
everyone uses MSO200&?2010 even those who have earlier MSO versions.
Microsoft has a "compatibility pack", which adds support for the new
formats to older versions of office (the page lists 2000, 2002 and 2003
as possible targets for the "update").

Maybe it helps with the server? Probably depends on what exactly is done
with the files in the server, but here it goes:

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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