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On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 07:01 +1000, Jean Weber wrote:

On 14/05/2011, at 2:07, jslozier <> wrote:


On Thu, 2011-05-12 at 21:06 -0700, phantom1969 wrote:

From a .csv spreadsheet document, how would I filter text and save the
filtered items to another .csv spreadsheet document. I usually use CSVed
2.1.4 to perform such tasks, but I would like to figure out how to
accomplish this from within LibreOffice Calc. Thanks in advance.

If I understand your question correctly, you save to .csv format by
using SAVE AS>.CSV, you will need to scroll down to find it. You may get
a dialog box confirming that you want to save as .csv and not the
default .ods format for Calc.

Jay, he wants to save only the *filtered* info. Does that work the way you said? I've never tried 

After filtering it will.

.csv is comma delimited format and Calc will save it in that format,
only the active worksheet. You can also open a .csv in Calc and it will
open a wizard asking what the delimiter is in the file, check comma. It
will  open correctly. I believe Excel works exactly the same way. .csv
is platform independent and you can open in any spreadsheet program.

Jay Lozier

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