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Hi Mike,
Le 11/03/2019 à 14:20, Mike Saunders a écrit :

On 11/03/2019 11:59, Florian Effenberger wrote:

I don't like the redirection idea - I would prefer to host ourselves,
e.g. for SEO purposes and to not leave our infrastructure. If we're
happy with the page, why not host it in one of our VMs? ;-)

Sure, we can do that! I just wonder how much longer it'll take... I
don't know much about Github and the VM bits required, but if infra can
do all this, then let's go ahead. I just want to avoid this cool idea
being on the back burner for too long because nobody knows how to move
it further...

Then, let's connect Sidorela and the infra team on website@, I'm going
to write a mail connecting people there :)


Sophie Gautier
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