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AssalamoAlekum wa Rahmatullah (Peace and Blessings of God up on you all)
Greetings of the Day

I'm Iqbal Sajid from Pakistan. A new member in this group. I'm living in
Saudi Arabia. I'm in Education for many years.

LibreOffice is a fantastic product and Open Source overall wonderful, BUT I
don't find many people using it or at least knowing it. Why?
Reason what I've observed: We don't have any books on Open Source (Linux
OS) and LibreOffice (or any open source office) for KIDS.
All kids, mine, kids of my sisters, brothers, cousins studying in Pakistan,
India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, UK, USA, UAE (where my relatives are), are
being taught in Schools, even in Colleges and Universities ONLY how to use
Windows, How to use MS Office. Reason behind this, I don't find any books
for KIDS on LibreOffice, Linux, etc.
In my opinion, if we want a change worldwide, we should create books for
kids, and then reach schools, and educational ministries of countries to
adapt this course starting from kindergarten. Then we can see a change in a
period of 10 years of so.

Iqbal Sajid
+966 59 7474 227

On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 11:00 PM Cor Nouws <> wrote:

Mike Saunders wrote on 3/8/19 1:48 PM:

What do you think -- are we ready to go live? Sophie, any thoughts? It's
such a great idea, that I'd like to start promoting it soon :-)

Indeed, but let's prevent that the first enthusiast visitors get
And I see no improvement in the area that I asked about in my mail below.

greetings - Cor

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] WhatCanIDoForLibreOffice micro site
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 13:50:00 +0100
From: Cor Nouws <>

Sidorela Uku wrote on 1/14/19 8:19 PM:
What do you think?

Really nice to see this!
I mostly missed the discussion and work leading to this, so forgive me
if my question is not relevant.
Having played a bit with the choices, I have the idea that people might
need more context or extra pointers with some of the outcomes.
E.g. Marketing > Booth materials just leads to a wiki with a list. A bit
more smart landing place, with intro, pointers and advice how to join,
would make sense, I think.
But maybe this is already planned?

Cor Nouws
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