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We will definitely announce the new resource, when it will be migrated
to TDF infrastructure.

On 11/03/2019 15:04, Kristi Çunga wrote:
Hello there,
 I'm Kristi, a colleague of Sidorela, a new contributor in design issues
also for LibreOffice.
 I just wanted to inform you that in case you are planning to publish a
blog post or social media posts about the announcement of this
initiative I would be more than happy to provide with the design of
promo materials.
Thank you,

On 3/8/2019 1:48 PM, Mike Saunders wrote:
Hey Sidorela,

On 22/02/2019 17:24, Sidorela Uku wrote:
I have worked with the website this week to improve it even further. I
think it looks better if there is a background photo/image. [1]
Yep, it's looking good, thanks for working on it!

I think we should migrate the code on github now, here:

What do you think?
Sure, we can do that -- but in the meantime, shall we make this live by
making redirect to ?

I know that's not the most elegant way to do it, but it could take a
while to get the other bits done (I'm not sure about the technical
requirements), whereas pointing the .org URL at the existing site should
be a simple job for the infra team.

What do you think -- are we ready to go live? Sophie, any thoughts? It's
such a great idea, that I'd like to start promoting it soon :-)


Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
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