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Hello Alexander,

Le Wed, 14 Sep 2011 18:50:33 +0200,
Alexander Thurgood <> a écrit :

Le 14/09/11 19:57, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

Hi Charles,

In fact, putting the survey online should not be impossible... 
But let's agree on the questions first.
Hehe, always the difficult part...

1) Users typology
- platform
- modules that are the most used (list all LibreOffice modules and
  allow the responding person to select each of them from 1 to 5)
OK so far, that would be similar to the Sun survey.

2) About Base:
- use case typology (more input needed here, I won't be exhaustive)
- do you use Base as a font-end to external DBs or do you rely on
  HSQLDB ? Or both?
- hmm, we may need to cater for the non-technical user here :
"frontend" and "external DB" could be confusing. Something like :

If using Base, do you use :
1) builtin (native) HSQLDB ;
2) another database engine (e.g. mysql, postgresql, H2, firebird,
DB2, etc) 3) if the answer to (2) was "Yes", which kind of database
engine ? 4) if the answer to (2) was "Yes" which kind of connector
(JDBC, ODBC, MySQL C Connector extension, postgresql connector
extension, some other driver etc) ?
nice, that's what I meant, thank you. 

If using Base, do you :
1) need it for personal/domestic use only
2) need it for small scale professional use
3) need it for large scale, multi-user, business or organisation use
I would insert the fourth (non-exclusive question): do you use it as a
replacement for MS Access? 

- how would you rate Base?  (choice between "it's bad, it's very
buggy, it's okay but it could be much better,  I really like it").
Scale of 1 to 5 (as in 1 for total agreement through indifferent (3)
to 5 total disagreement with the statement) ?
yes, for instance. 

- what is the most blocking bug in Base according to you (free
answer + possible pointing to a reported issue
This would be a nightmare question in IMHO, probably attracting far
too many diverse responses (and possibly even several in the same
field). I'm not really sure what could be suggested instead, as
anything like this will be bound to attract criticism for being too
"selective", "focussed" or "oriented".

Perhaps it could be worded thus :
"What single feature or functionality would you most like to see fixed
rapidly ?" (like I said, I'm not too happy with this kind of
reasoning, especially where there are several issues that vie for
popularity in my own mind ;-))
The reason I deliberately inserted this question (I agree with your
rephrasing) is that I am interested to see whether we actually may find
one or several patterns in the answers. There are chances we'll get
noise, but it'd be telling to pick some trend. 

3) Base in the future
- do you plan to use Base more or less in the future?
IMO a leading question, but hey I'm not a psychologist :-)

- do you plan to use Base as a front end to external DB or do you
plan to use it as a front end to the embedded HSQLDB?
- do you think LibreOffice should get rid of Base?
- If LibreOffice were to get rid of Base, what would you be using
as a front end to databases? (freeform answer).

Can't think of anything else offhand, but no doubt my brain will wake
up again later :-)) BTW, I do not consider myself to be an expert in
anything anyway related to survey materials, as I tend to be overly
critical of them anyway !!!
If anything, it's the only rational way we have, because we could all be
writing our wishes or require a new mailing list, yet I think we would
not be listening to ou users. So let's see whether we can get something




Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
The Document Foundation.

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