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Hello Claudio,

2011/5/12 Claudio F Filho <>


Em 11-05-2011 09:28, Paulo de Souza Lima escreveu:

2011/5/11 Charles-H. Schulz<>

I hope you understand the difference better now. Also, I would like, >>
as another general comment, to remind you and everyone that Claudio
is also part of the core team of TDF. I am surprised that he hasn't
been more active on this particular topic. That's just my feeling,
perhaps I'm wrong.

I am also surprised about the lack of participation of Olivier in this
discussion. Claudio has his own personal problems and I can't speak
for him.

Really i am out by personal problems.

I hope you will be able to overcome them...

But in other hand, i tried to alert in core@ list what happens here some
months ago, and at final was a talk with some members of SC, without a
conclusive feedback about this. However, going direct to point.

* Domains *
As Luiz told, i am talking with Florian about the domains.
I already request to redirect ->, and this
question will be finished soon.

The, was a thing that we discussed inside of our lists, because
the page is a *well know* in Brazil. Other thing is that we
has different things inside of our page, like news about ODF/BrO/LibO,
migrations, documentation and many other things, but is clear now that for
TDF is not (more) interesting the BrOffice and its history.

* Migration *
As already was explained by Paulo, Luiz and others, we are migrating to
wiki and SilverStripe, but is many content. Was only a job of 5 years in
marketing that resulted in a installed base around 15M of desktops with
Br/LibO in our country. But, ok. We will drop any idea of migration and
point all to there and maintain the yet.
A curiosity about this point is that we have all other brazilian domains of
each project, like and, working fine with
the international projects, without problems, and with the respectively
recognition of international institution or projects, like Mozilla
Foundation and PostgreSQL.

Each project has its own culture and needs... I would like to thank you
again for working with us on this.

* Official and not official logos *
About the "warning" in the redirect page in, we are talking
about the product. If you remember, before of 3.3.4 was "BrOffice", and now
"LibreOffice". The brands are correct. About the logo in the main page
without "The Document Foundation", in the rules[1] say that for
"non-official" use is to use the "LibreOffice" without the "TDF".

A strategy that did the difference here and that some neighboring countries
are looking our (old!) model maybe is not more interesting.

My two cents...

Thank you,



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