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Hi Christian
(and still generally relevant, I think, so still on the mailing list)

On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 8:04 AM Lars Jødal <> wrote:
So, to change the way a cross-reference like "as shown in the figure _above_"
or "see the table _below_", it is necessary to make a commit for <aboveWord>
and <belowWord> in
, is that correctly understood?


I do not have experience in making commits on the code, only in Weblate.
Where do I start?

you can create a change from the gerrit webinterface, as explained
convenience link for you to automatically add the file
to a new changeset.

Thanks again. I got to make the change, save it, and send it for review. "Jenkins" (an automatic 
system?) has veryfied that it can be built.

I messed a bit with the process, though, and seem to have made two commits, (with a sensible headline) and (with the automatic headliine). Should I simply 
abandon one (the one with the automatic headline)?

Moreover, commit 170563 (the most sensible description) is now on my dashboard under the headline 
"Your Turn", but it is not clear to me, what I am expected to do now. I have not added any 
reviewers, but I do not know who to add - the Danish branch is currently low on volunteers, as far 
as I know. Any advice on what to do, or where to look to see what to do?


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