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Hi Erik,

On Tuesday, 2017-02-14 22:28:45 +0100, Erik Quaeghebeur wrote:

Hmm, it seems language tags such as ‘nl’ or ‘fr’ without a region
component, and which are valid according to bcp47 are not recognized by
LO. Is this a bug I should report?

See my earlier mail in reply to Khaled. It's probably a bug, and it
sounds like

OK, but after reading through the bcp47 RFC, I have the impression that
only private-use tags for the earlier French example could work:
fr-x-classique, fr-x-moderne, fr-x-toutesvariantes, and fr-x-reforme1990
then, with the possibility of registering fr-1990, it seems.

See Caolan's reply about length of subtag names.

I've tried
it, and they're not seen by LO. It seems nl-001 is picked up, but not
recognized as ‘Worldwide’ Dutch, i.e., not listed as “Nederlands (001)”
or something like it, but rather as “nl-001”.

Because there is no string resource for it. For tags without string
resource the plain tag is displayed. We might try to pull in
descriptions for languages, scripts and countries from various installed
packages, including ICU, liblangtag and iso-codes, but still may end up
with unknows, or, in some countries worse than not having any name at
all, with untranslated names.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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