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On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 09:53:37AM +0100, Noel Power wrote:
On 13/06/14 11:45, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 09:44:42AM +0100, Noel Power wrote:

But, as I see this morning this discussion is a waste of my time,
seems that this change was already in, why even bother asking for
an opinion in the first place, unfortunately I find I am not

No, it is not a waste of time;

well actually I beg to differ, (...) I'm done with this.

I'm sorry we are losing your input on the design of the long-term
solution in master (as opposed to the stop-gap that went in).

Anyway, since binary overriding isn't on the table yet my main
concern was with basic where you have can have Libraries deployed in
share by the enterprise, (...)
I'm not sure what "deployed in share" means. An extension installed
"for all users" / with "unopkg --shared"? I sense that this is not
what you mean. Maybe by just dropping a directory + files in
LibreOffice's $(instdir)/share/basic/ ? I hadn't thought of that as a
good way to extend LibreOffice... Is that really how it is done?
how is Access2Base delivered? (I actually don't know) but I presume it
like the wizards and other basic utilities that it is located in
That is the also location where Enterprise's will also deploy their
macros so that they are picked up by *all* users (or at least that is
where they used to do that)

I hadn't anticipated people/enterprises would to it like that. I'm
trying to imagine how it would work in practice...

On RPM/DEB GNU/Linux systems, dropping files in (example for Debian)
/usr/lib/ ($(inst) is /usr/lib/libreoffice apparently) is heavily
discouraged... Unless one does it through a deb/rpm package. That's
why (in my worldview) most programs look for "files" in a second
location, namely /usr/local/something, which is reserved for the
admin. AFAIK, LibreOffice doesn't do that, I understood that the
extension package kinda "replaces" that.

On Microsoft Windows, you'd have to drop files in
"c:\progra~1\LibreOffice 4\share", and then move them when you
upgrade to LibreOffice 5, etc.

Above you concede that allowing this in Basic generally is
probably not a good idea. But... still you propose to special case
this overriding for Access2Base, I can't see how it is any
different, the same argument holds and users can easily break
deployed macros depending on the 'installed' version of

Yes, especially when installing an older version of Access2Base
than the one in core. Why is that a problem?

The problem is that to get into that situation in the first place
you have had to allow the user to override the core behaviour with
an extension, isn't that the what this discussion is all about
(wasn't the first question in this thread about why there is a piece
of code that enforces that such a scenario doesn't occur)? It's not
about Access2Base at all (although it is obviously the trigger) it's
about changing the defined behaviour (even in a limited way that
effects just Access2Base) where user extensions can override/replace
core functionality

Well, Access2Base was my goal ("trigger") in opening the discussion;
to understand the problems and concepts, I generalised them. In other
words, I looked at, and discussed, the "general case" to understand
what could be done in the specific.

It's quite simple (...), once this change is in a release it becomes
accepted behaviour.

What is intended to become accepted behaviour, at a higher level, is that
access2base can be upgraded "out of cycle", by the admin and/or user,
in LibreOffice. Not the particular way in which it is done.

It's then only a matter of time before the expectation is that it
should work the same way for the rest of Basic, and then for
consistency an expectation of the same behaviour for binary
extensions an so on.

I don't expect such a narrow exception will lead to a slippery
slope. And if we find a better way, we can remove the exception and
allow "upgrading access2base" in some other, better, way in 4.4.

Given your expressed views that this is how you would like the
application to behave anyway, I find this change worrying to say the
least ( caveat abeing if indeed the behaviour is accepted as desired

I'm not the LibreOffice benevolent dictator (thus my views will not
have priority), and I don't intend to push for the general case
anyway. About the general case, I floated the idea, others disagree,

The user can also make their environment unusable by changing the
UI language to a language they don't understand. And a myriad other

so what?

So trying to protect the user from themselves (which you intend to do
by having LibreOffice "try to protect its own internal integrity") is
a loosing battle, and is not worth making the "hacker user"'s life
more miserable.

If we consider a macro written for (and that works only with) the
"latest Access2Base", then it allows the user to use that macro
with LibreOffice 4.2, without having to upgrade to a less tested
LibreOffice 4.3.

wouldn't it make more sense then to update *all* branches to the
latest access2base, if it don't change that much anyway

I'm deeply uncomfortable with us shipping a changing API within a
release branch. Access2Base is designed to be backwards-compatible
(modulo bugs that all software has...), but not upwards-compatible. By
upgrading LibreOffice within e.g. 4.2.5, we abandon the property that
macros developed against 4.2.5 will also work (modulo bugs) with



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