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On Tuesday 19 of June 2012, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 02:05:05PM +0200, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
The second step however does not yet work as long as gerrit does not
own the repository. Thats why it is so damn important, that everyone
gets his gerrit account set up as requested a month ago, so that we can
switch over completely.

"damn important" will not get you there, I am afraid - only explaining,
and making it no harder than the current workflow will do.

That mail one month ago was just asking to login to gerrit once and setup
your key

 Which is the problem. Besides asking just to do that it should have also said 
why one should do that. I'm one of the people who haven't done that, 
because 'Do it because.' scores pretty low with my motivation. I wasn't 
joking when I mentioned in some other mail that it would be nice if you 
finally told us something about this Gerrit stuff that wasn't just a random 
remark. I still have yet to see a good description of what Gerrit is actually 
supposed to do for us exactly.

 And while I myself decided I wouldn't bother until it comes, right now it 
appears to me like nobody has been really told, and that does bother me.

-- not yet using it/playing with it (although that is appreciated 
too), which is what I ask people to do now. I hope that we can switch over
to gerrit completely in another month

 And I hope that this 'completely' is the daydreaming part. I'm a bit hazy on 
the details (since, you know, I've just picked them up randomly here and 
there), but if I understand it correctly, we are asked to move exclusively to 
a different workflow with an unproven tool. In a month. And I thought it was 
a running joke that this codebase breaks every single tool that's use on it.

and if there are a lot of people 
suddenly "surprised" by the change(*), we might run out of smart,
unsurprised people who actually had a look at what is coming before.

 Sorry, but I think you got this backwards. If we run out of smart unsurprised 
people to look at what's coming, it's not coming. Simple as that. Tools are 
there for people, not people for tools.

So I guess the lesson is: Be smart, dont be one of the surprised people. ;)

 Quite so. Seriously.

 Lubos Lunak


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