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At 5:39am -0400 Wed, 05 Oct 2011, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Unfortunately, there's no good unit tests for this code. Blame it on
me for taking the all too easy road out and committing the fix
without doing the boring ^H^H^H joyful work of adding a test for it

There's no blame,[1] only hopeful questions. As I already alluded -- flat out said -- *I* don't know how to get at this particular code, and I'm worried that having now "corrected" the logic, we're changing semantics for some (incorrect) code that relies on the broken behavior.

Ah well, I suppose it'll work itself out in the end.



[1] It occurs to me that this is a great point for OS software: you *can't* blame anyone. Unlike in proprietary software, where (supposedly) the boss always wants to be able to blame someone ... the flip side is that we're "safe" as developers, no? ;-)


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