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Von: Michael Meeks <>
2. Also, if launchpad and the original translation infrastructure are
both unsuitable(as I believe they are)
      :-) I share your view.

      So yes - we will need a pootle server; any help with setting that up /
managing it very much appreciated. Why not grab Andre [Thalion72] on IRC
( to get the latest ?
I did some testinstallation at my private box yesterday. So at least
we are prepared to setup something as soon as we get a server.

But the curent translations in our repository focus only at the additional
features we have (compared to vanilla OOo). I'd wait for a change here and
setup pootle containing localizations (needs some changes in the build

Anyway - help for setting up (and later adminstrating) the server is
welcome. (But we don't have one yet.)



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