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Hi, :-)

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 01:59, Christoph Noack <> wrote:
Here is the poll, but I have to admit that I've - to not miss anyone -
added all times (even those, I won't be available. So sorry for the many
options in advance ...

I responded to the poll. IMHO, it would be better if you contact
Florian, because you are more likely to get a quick reply from him. If
you then give me the codes he sends you, I can host the call if you

It would be great to put up an agenda before our call - so that others
can follow our discussion or can add their own thoughts.

OK, I can do that when we've fixed a date and time...

Thus, it is about: [0]

Ah.... that's a shame... it's one of the most visually attractive of
the screenshots, and made the Suite look good...
What's actually the problem with this screenshot?

Oh, we may add the "language specific issue" here as well - some of the
international teams will have to re-create the screenshots. This is why
Michael (was it in his last mail in this thread?) talked about the
"l10n" issues - if possible, we should use only those parts of the
screen that are not locale specific (e.g. if graphics in Draw are
sufficient to show a certain behavior, then avoid any text).

Well, since the NL sites have total freedom in their site design, I
don't see too much need to think of them in the English site design...
There's no guarantee that they will be wanting to offer the same or
similar content, is there?

Concerning the size - yes, practically there is a need for showing
different sizes. Let's state that a page "is good" if the width of the
picture column is fix (so that scrolling down does not "wobble" the page
content), then we can do:
     * Crop to the desired part of the screenshot
     * Resize the screenshot so that it fits to the width
     * Allow the height to be flexible

OK, well let's talk about this during the call... It's worth
remembering that this information only has a limited shelf life, and
we don't have many people doing actual work in the project, so it
might be good to try and keep the production process as simple,
without too many complicated rules....? ;-)

But let's talk and see how to meet as many constraints as possible...

Mmh, I'll skip that - we may even ask the local communities to provide
that (given some requirements how the screenshots should look like). I
bet that the FR community already did something like that.

Well the NL communities can deal with the NL pages, and the English
site team can deal with the English pages...

But the kind of realization doesn't fit into our "hierarchically
presented" menu concept - so I propose a link like "See what you get!" /
"See what's in the box!" / "That's new" / "Know more about the
Features". Thus, the idea is great, but we can do better :-)

Technically it fits in fine, and this *is* a content issue, an IA issue, no?

So back to the basic idea ... I think there will be a need (also on
other pages) to highlight certain things "on page". So I'd like to
propose some kind of action links in a common form (slight button, ...)
that can be used across the page --> Ivan?

In addition, is anybody offering to actually produce buttons? For the
moment, I don't see any concrete offers...

We'll try to get something that pleases everyone, but I must admit
that it seems logical to me that the devs should have biggest say in
what features to highlight before others in the New Features page...?

Mmh, why should developers have the biggest say here?

Because we are talking about content on the page - it's a content
issue, not a graphic design issue, and I feel it's important to have
very open ears towards Michael about this...

Although developers invest a lot of effort to work on important stuff,
some of this work has almost no end-user related impact on LibreOffice
(now). The job of marketing and UX is to help to connect the both (let's
call it) worlds of "users" and "development" :-)

For me, Marketing is Florian and Italo... If they have issues to raise
then I'll be happy to listen to them. But this Features page is
something very relevant to development, and I want to try and satisfy
Michael's priorities and concerns as much as possible.

We will, of course, work to come up with a page that is attractively
presented and in keeping with the graphic charter, but - apart from
that - I don't really see Design playing a big role in the production
of this page...

But I think we can better talk about things during the confcall.... ;-)

David Nelson

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