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Present: John, Cor, Heiko
Comments: Stuart, John, Pedro, Rafael


 * Styles Preview should be able to show a grid of list
   styles (Tabbed UI)
   + a "More..." button could open the Stylist in the
     sidebar (Stuart, Heiko)
   + could be a small expander button on the lower right edge (Cor)
   + strong support for a Tabbed NB in general and completely
     implemented features in particular (John, Pedro, Rafael)
   + take the full space is easy to achieve, expanding into a list
     might a bit more difficult
   => do it

 * Most bundled page styles are nonsensical and/or redundant
   + every single page style has a use case (Cor)
   + never had any problems with the list of page styles (John)
   + the (small) list can also be filtered (Heiko)
   => resolve WF/NAB

 * Style organizer's "Next style"'s function not clear to user
   + label and help is clear (John)
   + labeling it "Next paragraph style" adds no information and
     it's reasonably clear what the dialog/label is talking
     about (Cor)
   => resolve WF/NAB

 * Editing:- Feature Request "go to - special" feature needed
   + introduce function to search for special content like blanks,
     constants etc. sounds like a good idea (Cor)
   + would be a comfortable shortcut for many searches (Heiko)
   + alternatively we could have a special entry in the sidebar
     + would be inconsistent as blank evaluates data while the
       existing Navigator options detect model content (Cor)
   => do it

 * Change "heading level" to "outline level"
     + see comment 14 for (tentatively accepted) proposal
     + use index level for index entry outlines
     + see also ToC dialog
   => consistency in naming is good, go for it

 * Permit "No User Input" as a data validation which would then
   permit filter sorting
   + reasonable request
   + (Standard/Auto-) Filter work on protected sheets
   + Sorting should work too, at least optional (Cor)
   + afraid of data integrity issues aka references to a certain
     cell that changes after sorting (Heiko)
   + option should not be at data validation but at the
     protect sheet dialog among the other exceptions (Heiko)
     + has the drawback that it applies to the whole sheet (Cor)
   => allow users to permit sorting

Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Designer and UX-Mentor
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail:
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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