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Hi Heiko,

Le 07/04/2018 à 11:18, Heiko Tietze a écrit :
Okay, so let's go with the simple solution of just the format name without further explanation.

* Unformatted text -> Unformatted text
* Bitmap -> Bitmap Image (BMP)
* Drawing format -> %PRODUCTNAME drawing format
* DDE link -> Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)
* DIF -> Data Interchange Format (DIF)
* GDI metafile -> Graphics Device Interface (GDI)
* Formatted text [RTF] -> Rich text formatting (RTF) 
* Formatted text [Richtext] -> Rich text formatting (Richtext) 
* HTML (HyperText Markup Language) -> HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 
* HTML format -> Stripped HyperText Markup Language (Simple HTM) (Or "Stripped HTML" if this 
string is too long)

yes, the string will be too long, as HTML is a know acronym, I think
"Stripped HTML is ok.

* PNG Bitmap -> Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
* calc8" -> "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Spreadsheet" (without Calc8 short name)

Thanks for this,

Sophie Gautier
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