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Hi Christoph,

On 13/12/16 06:26, "Christoph Schäfer" wrote:
Von: "Michael Meeks" <> Of course, if
you can move on the licensing: ie. giving a license that is
compatible with our goals as a Free-Software project, then I
suspect TDF could give you some guarentee that at least the TDF
distribution of LibreOffice (which is some big chunk of the
user-base) will not itself be distributing a modified palette with
this name - might that work ?

Regarding the licence, I think we can easily come to an agreement,
since fF is not married to the current version: If TDF can guarantee
that there are some safeguards in place to protect the integrity of
the original SOC file in LibreOffice versions distributed by TDF, you
can use the palette under the MPL 2.0, which seems to be the current
LO licence. If necessary, we can also do this on paper with
signatures from one German non-profit to another ;)

      Sounds perfect to me; lets proceed with this approach.

      In terms of signatures on paper - we can do that, but it will take some
significant effort. I suspect that we can achieve a similar result
socially anyway.

      What I propose is that - I take this to the ESC; and we think it
through & come up with a decision there, which we can minute. TDF has
really no interest in breaking your palette so my hope is that this is
easy to achieve.

      After that - I suggest, that you write a (normal) license statement for
the palette; and I'll respond to that referring to the ESC decision and
committing us to either not changing it in the TDF version.

      If that works for you, I hope we can close the topic ! =) the next ESC
call is on Thursday, and you're welcome to come of course; dial in
details are here:

      And thanks for being so flexible ! and of course for promoting
LibreOffice it is great to have smart & creative people involved with
our design community =)

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick and positive reply.

Please let me know about the results of the ESC meeting as soon as possible. I've already prepared 
an MLP-2.0-licensed SOC palette, which is waiting to be uploaded to the bugtracker.

Best regards,

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