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May I suggest that we show the Tab bar by default in for now and think about further improvements 
in the next releases?
I know the Tab bar is not ideal, but neither is the mode selector drop down.

I understand Italo that a quick switch between normal and slide sorter mode is necessary for power 
This is provided by the Tab bar.

When/if we have buttons to switch between these two modes elsewhere (maybe the statusbar), we can 
hide the tab bar again.

If you are ok with that, I'll prepare a patch to show the tab bar by default.


Von: Italo Vignoli <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016 10:11
Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: Impress Mode Toolbar

On 13/01/16 21:39, V Stuart Foote wrote:

From your apparent shock that something changed, should we assume that you
had not taken a recent build of master nor one of the 5.1.0 beta releases
out for a test? And only now got around to seeing what is new?
Don't be silly, please. I have 5 computers, so I have LibreOffice 5.1
installed on 3 machines since Beta 1, and I have just installed RC2, but
on the computer I use for production I still have LibreOffice 5.0
because Impress is unusable because of this completely idiot decision
(again, not shared at all with Impress users, but based only on ideas of
a few people who do not use Impress as a professional tool).

Anyway, if the decision is to keep the insanity as it is, and to turn
down complaints as rants - twice, just unbelievable - I will fight it
with all my force and in every available channel.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli
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