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Michel RENON-2 wrote
Are there hicups--design, UI and UX--absolutely! That keeps it fun for

Sorry, I can't agree :
as a developer and designer, my focus is users.
And the only way for me to have fun is to have for every release :
- all problems solved / no regressions
- happy users

I hardly can't imagine why it is fun for developers to ship software to 
millions of users that have hiccups/problems to be solved in the next 
Is it really the common way of thinking in FOSS ?

If we were just "releasing" every six months "when ready"--maybe it then
would be reasonable to hold back "feature" and design changes--and develop
(design, code, test)  new features in branches.  But suspect in that
scenario a whole lot of innovation would *never* see the light of day as it
would not be reviewed and the responsible dev would move on to other more
interesting things. Development in master forces a certain discipline and
consistency to the process--it is inherently all peer reviewed--and to the
extent that users participate, they see it then.

With our 6-month life cycle of a major releases, we actually "release" every
month, and have ample opportunity to repair regression or revert
inappropriate features that really do adversely impact usability of the
suite.  Sorry, but it does not have to be flawless--nor is it.

Given the numbers of volunteers actually contributing to the project in that
scenario it simply remains more efficient to develop into master.  There our
limited counts of Designers, QA and developers as well as motivated users
are freely able to review emerging features (or issues) and comment as
development proceeds.

The shortcoming is obtaining consistent and continual review by a broader
user community--that is a communications issue.  Most issues are cosmetic
like this suppression of the Impress Mode tab bar here, it would have been
trivial to have the "Modes Tab Bar" button set enabled on the Standard tool
bar if someone with an objection simply mentioned it to the dev rather than
waiting to is ready to release.

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