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On 13/01/16 16:07, Cor Nouws wrote:

It is not off by default. Anyway not for me in a fresh installation.

Yes, the toggle icon is off by default, as described in the release
notes (where I discovered the existence of the toggle icon, which is not
mentioned anywhere else).

If you activate View > Modes Tab Bar, it should be visible in any other
presentation that you open afterward.
If not, file a bug please.

I will file a number of bugs about the current Impress UI.

Slide Sorter and Normal views can be assigned to short cuts and added as
icon to any tool bar. For those who want.

Everything can be added, but hiding something without reason is a
different story. The Mode Tab Bar could be replaced by icons in the
footer (see PowerPoint), but not hidden (without giving a clue about
making it visible again).

No need to discuss the importance of that. As written: if it is
activated once, IMO it should stay active for next documents.

No, it is not active and there isn't any option to make it visible by
default (this would have been the easiest solution).

Also, moving master views together with slide views is another
significant issue, especially for enterprise environments where users
should not edit masters.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
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