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Hi Mirek, Cor, All

Here are my thougts on this options :

2012/11/2 Mirek M. <>

Hi Cor,

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Cor Nouws <> wrote:

Hi Mirek, *,

Mirek M. wrote (24-10-12 23:47)

 We're in the middle of our option analysis [1] and we'd like to know
whether the following options are still needed and, if so, what their
use cases are:
- "Screen font antialiasing" (font size from which text should be

I guess this may be useful in case one works with some combination of
remote desktop (eg thin client) and/or resolution.

It doesn't seem to be vital to the software's usability, though, so I would
mark it "Advanced".

I agree

 - E-mail client (why not just use the OS default?)

There may be more choices for different use?

Well, you can only choose a single client, so the OS default should do.
Are there any cases where the OS doesn't allow the user to set a default,
though? What does LibreOffice do then?

I think LibO should display an error message explaining that the default
e-mail client on the system is **** but can't be changed IF (only if) it
detects others e-mail clients. Example : default mail-client is Outlook,
but LibO detects Thunderbird is present. It asks the user if he wants to
use the default one (Outlook) or one of the others ones. Of course, if the
OS lets the user choose his default client, this option isn't useful.
Then, I don't know any OSes that doesn't let the user choose that, and
except if there is a really used one I think it would be a waste of time to
develop that.

 - All the Database settings (no database users among designers, I'm

Connections should be considered useful for connections over certain
networks ..
Databases ... just cannot be missed.


 - Locale setting (why would a person not want to use the system default
only in LibreOffice?)

In situations where you work with people from different countries /
locales etc.

This just sets the default -- you're still able to work on documents in
different languages.
The user probably shouldn't change the LibreOffice settings every time he
works on a document in a different language. (That would be especially
tricky if he has several documents open, one in his native language, one in
a foreign language, as these settings are global.)

As you say, the user can change that for each document in the menu. So it
should be present for users who works in an other language very often, but
just in advanced options as the menu will is there for exceptional use.

 - Decimal separator key (in which cases is the locale setting not




 - Default currency (in which cases is the locale setting not
- Default languages "For the current document only" (why not use
"Tools>Language>For All Text"?)

I'm not sure, but maybe the difference it that setting it for the
document, makes styles behave as chosen, and that selecting and setting
language has to be done over and again?
On the other hand: the menu option is rather recent compared to the

Is it ok to remove the option, then, since we have the Tools entry?
(It would also mean we need to add CTL and Asian language to Tools.)

As it's present somewhere else, it's not useful have it in generic
options, but maybe in advanced one for people who do not think searching in
the menu

 - Are there any options that aren't necessary for Japanese or
for Complex Text Layout? None of us use these features, so we assume
they're there for a reason and thus agreed to keep them.

[1] http://wiki.****Analyses/Global_Options<>

Is it OK if I add some opinions on that page (again)?

Post them here. :)

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