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Hi Astron, Mirek,

On 2012-04-29 at 17:00 +0200, Mirek M. wrote: [1].

I made my own mockup based on yours, but with the assumption that the
toolbar background has to be the same for each toolbar and using the
current borders between toolbars. I ended up with something with much

Thank you both! :-)  I am still trying to get the "real" values from the
system, so that we are 100% consistent there, I'll keep you informed
where I get with those efforts.

But for sure we can improve the look of the non-themed LO [ie. when used
on Linux outside of Gnome / KDE, or when used on older Windows]
immediately.  I myself slightly prefer the bluish look, but... ;-)

The code that sets the defaults in that case is here:

The values are reasonably self-descriptive, so if you can / want to play
with that directly, it would be most appreciated :-)  The trick on Linux
to force the 'generic' look is to


before running LibreOffice.

Alternatively just send me what to exchange the values to [including eg.
the default font size etc.], and I'll do it here & post you a

Thank you a lot,

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