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Custom button? That would be nice, but I'm not sure if it follows the HIG
and I think it would not look good being put with the color picker. Do you
have any suggestions as to put a button to switch to the custom color
picker? I'm thinking maybe the user could click and hold on the square to
trigger the custom color picker.

Here's an updated version of my proposal. I would like to hear a bit more
feedback to see if it can be included with the other proposals on the Wiki.


Color picker triggers when the user chooses the color picker icon on the
toolbar. The default palettes contain only a few colors (these swatches
would be much smaller in the actual program) for simplicity. On hover, the
color's name is shown in a tooltip. When the user chooses a color, the
color swatch has a outline (red in this proposal) to show the current
color. The colors the user creates in the custom color picker appear under
the "Custom colors" row. Recent selected colors appear under the "Recent
colors" row.

The user switches to the custom color picker by selecting a blank swatch
under the "Custom colors" row and holding. Depending on the chosen settings
(RGB and CMYK for now) the layout of the CCP changes. If a user is in CMYK
mode, an additional text entry appears for K. The user can also choose a
color using the color wheel; the center of the wheel reflects the current
chosen color depending on where the tiny circle is located on the edge of
the circle.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 11:23 PM, Alberto Delgado <>wrote:

Hello everyone. I have been working on my color proposal. I'm thinking of
adding a color wheel which activates by double-click (in Windows; not
if that's a good idea for Linux/Mac OSX) and allows the user to create
their own custom colors. It would also provide a small preview of how the
color looks on text if on a light or dark background (something like
this: ). It's not quite finished yet and
back what I have is kind of simple compared to the excellent mockups I
by Mirek but I just wanted to show everyone what I've got so far.

Like it, maybe it could have it's own button like "custom", that way it
for all platforms. Also -i think this was your idea- a round pretty color
with "pallete maker" would be nice. For the example, i like kuler better.

Which format for images is preferred: .svg or .png?

.png is better for ideas and rough concepts since you can see it right on
browser (not sure if you can do that with .svg) .svg is better for images
want people to make improvements on since it's more easily editable. I
that when the second applies you should just put both up.

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