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What would be an ideal solution is to have a LibO 4 pre-/apha version
come out with a toolkit and UI rewrite WHILE a LibO 3.x version is out
and still being mantianed.  this would allow the dev and early testers to
test the new UI elements before they would become final and allow
commentary on them while not forcing everyone to use it at the get-go.

I think that this would be a good idea. it mite even make it easier to
import the code from LO 3.x into a already made LO 4.0 with Citrus UI. but
I do not know for I am not a dev YET. but it would seem to be easier. the
thing we would have to watch out for would be a potential fork. as some
could just run with it and never remerge it with the current code.

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