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You are welcome and like I said in a reply to one of your emails the Autumn
Season banners did inspire me to do something that I'm not sure that we have
done before. I am almost done with it, the problem is that I do not own the
software that I am making it in and am making it at school. I know of an
open source alternative, but to be honest I just found it and it NEEDS A LOT
of work for me to even think about using it. I hope to have something that I
can show the team by this Saturday, for that is the next time I will go to

Just wanted you to know that you did inspire someone to do something new and


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Aleksandar <> wrote:

Hi All,
I want to thank you all for your support. I read all your emails and this
was great experience so far.
Tobias, I understand your point but please note one thing, my time is (and
will probably be this year)
very limited so I don't have time to create graphic in gimp/inkscape from
I used gimp before and would like to use it again and I know about
it's always great to learn
something new,new tool,new language etc. and it's not problem to work with
these tools but as I said
I am currently very busy and time doesn't allow me to do all that things.
My idea was to inspire people to create better graphic, to motivate them.

 I was aware about problem you are talking about. As Christoph said:
Why do I say that? Because Aleksandar told me about his tools preference
in advance - and as long is able to read PSD files to a certain extend,
we should aim for "data exchange compatibility", not "tools
compatibility". I've heard many designers who simply prefer to stick
with their tools ...

 I sent him email to see will this be a problem. I was happy to join
project and tried to create something new and fresh but I also knew that
commercial software can be problem in opensource community. I wanted to see
can I post my work here so other can see it and maybe create better graphic
or get
new ideas. This part of email I sent to Christoph (just my part that can be
shown in
public,I respect others privacy):
I have one very important question. [bold] *I work with Photoshop and all
graphic I created *
*>is done with Photoshop. *[/bold] Will that be a problem?


Also, it's not problem for me to upload and send you files but as I said
all work is done in Photoshop and would
like to hear from you will that be a problem.

I  showed that I am interested in this problem and that I wouldn't  post
work that
others can see as problem in opensource community. I just wanted to offer
and experience.

My idea was to post some new things on my wiki page and inspire people
to create new graphic for LibreOffice project, to share it with friends and
to have
something "cool" to show them about LibreOffice. Just that. You don't need
to use
it,share it or  do anything with it if you don't like it.
I was inspired and wanted to share that ideas with others.

David,Andrew,Sveinn i Felli,Christoph, thanks for your kind emails. These
kind of email motivates me to
work harder and to help opensource projects. Thanks

 Where have I seen this before...


Thanks Daniel, it's always great to see LibreOffice in the news ;)

I have also posted some new things and ideas on my wiki page:

I have so many things to say but this email is already way too long.
Thank you for your time,

2011/9/29 Daniel Merker <>

Where have I seen this before...


Daniel Merker
Computer Engineering Graduate Student
Wayne State University

-----Original Message-----
From: Tobias Bernard []
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-design] New web banners. Feedback?


maybe there have been some misunderstandings, i had no intention to
anyone and think aleksandar is doing a great job.
but as i already said and others too mentioned, it *is* a problem, when
design is done with proprietary software and no soures are available in a
standard format (in our case SVG).

i agree that everyone has his favourite tools and is free to use what he
wants, but if that means it is not possible changing these files using
software, someone should at least be aware of that and the problems it
causes. after that it's up to everyone to decide for his own what he
to use, but if he decides to use proprietary software, he should at least
export the source file to an open format (SVG if possible) everyone can
and edit.

in aleksandars case there is kind of a problem doing that, because ps is
raster graphics editor, so i don't really know which possibilities there
are. btw psd import in gimp is horrible for complex designs. that's not
gimps fault, it's because psd is a proprietary format, but it is no
for us.
in any way, i highly recommend everyone to use free software from the
beginning, so we don't have to deal with such problems in the future.


2011/9/28 David Nelson <>

Hi guys,

Sorry, but I disagree with criticising Aleksandar like this.

1) We need creative people doing work for our project. I don't really
care what he uses, as long as the format of the source files is
accessible. Sure, it would be great if he was using Gimp or Inkscape,
but Photoshop can output files that can be read with those programs,
and Gimp can read .psd.

2) We all have our favorite tools. I run Linux 24/7 on my system, but
I always keep a copy of Photoshop 6/ImageReady installed using
Wine/Crossover Office, simply because I know how to easily do things
with them that *can* be done with Gimp but only in a more round-about
manner. Plus, there are things that Gimp and Photoshop each do
slightly better or worse than the other.

So I think Aleksandar should be left to use what tools he wants. You
do know that Photoshop is a *very* commonly-used tool among graphic
artists, right?

So can we stop the flaming in this thread about tools?

Tobias,Vitorio, when I the same real productive output for the
LibreOffice project from you guys as Aleksandar has contributed, then
you can start bitching. Until then, please let the guy work in peace.

Thanks. ;-)

David Nelson

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