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On 12/31/2013 03:49 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

As the person who creates the NA-DVD .iso, I have offered to burn and media print labels for the DVD[s] if people cannot download the file[s] for LO installs.

I have a printer that will print on the printable DVD media so it looks professional.

Right at this time, I have had a severe health setback and cannot make these DVDs for the next few months, or more.

So, is there any USA person who might be willing to take the NA-DVD .iso file,
1- download it,
2 - use the included label file[s] to print directly into the media,
3 - and ship it to USA people who would like the DVD.

I charge the person Priority mail rates and a fee for the media [etc.]. So this is not a free service.

There are people who wants the DVD [4.1.4 or 4.0.6] right now, but I have been in and out of the hospital and have difficulty going to the doctor office, let alone the post office. So I could use a volunteer to do this type of work.

The NA-DVD project was designed to make the DVD available, in both a .iso download file and a physical media that users could get access to. The .iso file part is on the LO server system, but the providing of the physical media is the issue at this time.

To be honest, if there was someone in Canada and the other English speaking regions that could do this for their regions/countries, it would be welcome.

So, with my health issues, I can no longer provide the burned/printed media, for the at least a month or two, or longer.

So is there anyone in the USA who would be willing to make and ship the physical LO NA-DVD project DVD[s]?

Tim Lungstrom


Sorry to hear about your health problems. Currently I do not have access to a suitable printer. But I might be able help in assembling the ISO and can burn some dvd w/o labels.

Jay Lozier

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