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On 07/18/2011 09:33 PM, Andy Brown wrote:
Andy Brown wrote:
I am not subscribe to the list so please reply direct.

Can some one on the DVD team let me know what the disk space, projected
bandwidth and the like would be for server space?  I have some ideas I
am working on but needed this information.

Seeing as I have heard nothing regarding the need for server space I
take it that it is covered.  Good luck.


We are dealing with something right now - pushing the CMS version towards a quicker release. To be honest, real world would mean 4 versions of the DVD files 12-13 GB total, but when the 3.3.3 goes to 3.3.4 and 3.4.1 goes to 3.4.2, there might be a need to keep the older versions while saving the newest version on the server. Keep current and last versions online while keeping the earlier version offline in some archive folders.
Are you sure you can have 4 DVD .iso files:  3.7 GB, 3.4 GB, 1.9 GB, and 
1.8 GB, in size?
[Win-Linux-Mac 3.3.3 and 3.4.1, Win-only 3.3.3 and 3.4.1, in that order]

Hopefully real soon the first 3.3.3 versions ,iso files will be on the CMS servers, but then it will need to be mirrored someplace else.
Then in the  page, we will list the 
CMS server and the mirrored server[s] for the downloading of the .iso 
files, plus all the various sites that have info about the NA DVD and 
its Community [like the LibreOffice-NA.US <> 
site and the Wiki page{s} at ]

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