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Marc Paré wrote on 2011-06-19 07.20:
I would tend to favour an acronym that will leave no guessing as to
which group one is emailing to. However, in this case I would favour
Carl's suggestion of "" (yes, I know that
uppercase and lowercase do not matter ... I just did it for an effect).
This will make it completely obvious that we are talking of this region
of the globe to anyone who is not proficient in EN. It beats any acronym
that we could come up with. To be perfectly honest, whenever people
speak of "North America", they normally imagine the US market first and
foremost. So, in some regards, the change in name will still fill in the
mandate from the TDF/SC of concentrating on the US market.
may I ask why you plan a name change at all? I still would object to it 
- it means a lot of work to rename the lists and the like, just for 
"optical" reasons, and we already had a lenghty discussion on the name 
before we came up with "us"...

Florian Effenberger <>
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