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On 06/17/2011 12:30 PM, Carl Symons wrote:
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 8:46 AM, drew<>  wrote:
On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 08:40 -0700, Carl Symons wrote:
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 5:29 AM, drew<>  wrote:
On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 08:58 -0700, Carl Symons wrote:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 6:01 AM, drew<>  wrote:
On Wed, 2011-06-15 at 16:01 -0700, Carl Symons wrote:
What happens at a LibreOffice HackFest?

This sounds like quite a useful project. Interesting to developers,
but would also require guidance from seasoned LibO development people.
100% agree - there is a little problem there and one I need to address
directly on a different mailing list, today.

What skillset would people need to have to be involved? C++, Java, Python?

Help improve the leading open source office suite at Ohio LinuxFest.
If you are a C++ (and whatever else) programmer and want to help make
a big FOSS difference, join the LibreOffice Hackfest. Free pizza and
Red Bull.
At the SELF show I was relentless in doing two things with every person
that stopped and talked:

1) They got a hand shake from me. Don't laugh that really does mean

2) I asked them to help the effort.

The number of people that said they wanted to help somehow was very
strong, not everyone of course, not even the majority of people, but a
goodly number - of those many where interested in helping with easy
hacks or with QA, so now we need to help them start. That is the goal in
my mind.



I don't think that we were as assertive at LinuxFest Northwest as you describe.

The OHLF Hackfest is proposed for the first day, so there wouldn't be
an opportunity to recruit people to the effort during the Fest. You
wrote before that some coordination would be required. That would have
to happen, somehow, ahead of time. The OHLF organizers would probably
have to help get the word out. And there would have to be LibreOffice
outreach too.
Yes, yes and yes - also I have a small list of email addresses of folks
that are planning on being in Ohio and would be interested. So the big
thing is to get this to a point of either a go or a no-go quickly so
that those outreach efforts have a chance of happening.
I don't know how Ohio LinuxFest operates. Speaking from my experience
of several years involvement with producing LFNW...

- Tell OHLF that it's a go.
- Start recruiting people from the LibreOffice Development Team
through LibO mailing lists
     *including; there are a bunch of
people there who answer questions regularly
- Grassroots Hackfest for the leading open source office suite...join
the community, get things done, make a F/OSS difference
- OHLF is in Columbus, right in the middle of Ohio. Cleveland,
I sometimes wish I still lived 5 blocks from Ohio State U. campus. Those were great years and I miss all the great stuff Columbus had back in the early 80's. If I still could drive that far and had the money for a visit, I would go to the Columbus event in a heart-beat.
I could not go to the event that was 40 miles away now.

I would love to see how good that event is.

Cincinnatti, Pittsburgh, Louisville are all within driving distance
- Contact Indiana LinuxFest ( Don't know
how big their event is, but Indianapolis is also within driving
distance. They have some sort of communication structure.
- Chicago's further but they have

What is the basis for a go/no-go decision? The only downside would
come from being timid about getting the word out and recruiting
people. We don't have to show you any stinking badges.

Does anyone on the list think that this is not a good idea? Why?


Taking all that into consideration, it still sounds like a great idea.
I ran it by a fellow LinuxFest NW person an
enthusiastic yes response. This is something worth doing. There would
be some improvements to the apps; more importantly, it's an
opportunity to build the stakeholder base and demonstrate the

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