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On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 09:30 -0700, Carl Symons wrote:

I don't know how Ohio LinuxFest operates. Speaking from my experience
of several years involvement with producing LFNW...

- Tell OHLF that it's a go.
I suppose you are correct - I would of really liked some hint of
interest from the developers but hopefully that will come.

- Start recruiting people from the LibreOffice Development Team
through LibO mailing lists
    *including; there are a bunch of
people there who answer questions regularly
- Grassroots Hackfest for the leading open source office suite...join
the community, get things done, make a F/OSS difference
- OHLF is in Columbus, right in the middle of Ohio. Cleveland,
Cincinnatti, Pittsburgh, Louisville are all within driving distance
- Contact Indiana LinuxFest ( Don't know
how big their event is, but Indianapolis is also within driving
distance. They have some sort of communication structure.
- Chicago's further but they have

What is the basis for a go/no-go decision? The only downside would
come from being timid about getting the word out and recruiting
people. We don't have to show you any stinking badges.
*smile* fair enough.


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