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Hi Carl

Le 2011-05-12 09:21, Carl Symons a écrit :

I'd like to see more attention to "North American Community - what?
(Remainder of time)" Presumably the mission of the NA group is what is
driving the production of the disc. Having just come off of two expos,
it seems to be that much more could be done to increase the visibility
of LibreOffice. had nice LibreOffice presence...thanks to
Dona Hertel, Andy Brown and my insider position (day-of-the-event and
volunteer manager). Dona's already provided some information. I was
not close enough to the action at the booth to get much detail.
Tech Tonic at Western WA University for students, faculty, staff... I organized the Bellingham LUG
appearance. We were right across from Microsoft (They got
nothing...Kinect). Anyone interested in technology was stopping by our
booth to see Linux running on a laptop and a netbook. We had a variety
of apps open, including LibreOffice. And talked with people about
LibO. Not many knew about LibO; almost all had at least heard of
OOo...easy to communicate. informally...LibO is almost the same
technology as OOo. The major difference is that LibreOffice is a
community around the technology, while OOo is controlled by a large
tech company.

If you look at the link to Tech Tonic, you will see that this approach
landed well with the participants.

We just need more exposure. Would you like to join the LibreOffice 
marketing blog? You could then blog on your experiences and these could 
then be posted on the main LibreOffice blogosphere. If you have a 
Wordpress account I can add you to the list of bloggers.


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