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Benjamin Horst wrote:
I've collected the following from many different sources and created some myself. Ultimately, 
they belong on a wiki page for our new group, but to start discussion, here are marketing 
projects I think we should consider!

1. Ongoing PR (styled after Italo Vignoli's work in Italy)
2. Attend Events
2.1 Tech Events (to attract project contributors)
2.2 Education, Non-Profit, Government Events (to attract new LibO users)
3. Universities
3.1 Campus Representatives (styled after Mozilla's:
3.2 CIOs (biz dev-style direct promotion to the bigwigs)
4. Advertising
4.1 Subway/Transit Ads
4.2 Freebee Google Ads (for nonprofits)
4.3 Craig's List campaign (they did something for Firefox?)
5. Social Media
5.1 Facebook
5.2 YouTube
5.3 LinkedIn
5.4 Custom campaigns (styled after SpreadFirefox)
Hi Ben, if we manage to handle all of this, we will rule the world ;-)

Italo Vignoli
Mobile: +39.348.5653829 - VoIP: +39.02.320621813
Email: - Skype: italovignoli

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