Ik kreeg vanmiddag een rss-feed van de Document Foundation. Het gaat over "Open Projects".
Ik heb geen idee waar het om gaat. Zou het belangrijk zijn dit te verduidelijken met het oog op
NLLGG en T-Dose? Ik denk so wie so niet dat er veel mensen zijn die echt iets aan zo'n tekst
Open Projects gives communities the power to develop what they choose–APIs, code, specifications,
reference implementations, guidelines– in one place, under open source licenses, with a path to
recognition in global policy and procurement.
en ook:
“For many, open source has become a means of establishing de facto software standards. However, de
facto standards are not recognized by many governments and institutions,” said Chris Ferris, IBM
Fellow and CTO Open Tech for IBM. “OASIS Open Projects provides an important new opportunity to
leverage the rapid innovation of open source in the process of developing open standards. The
potential to achieve ISO, IEC, or ITU standards approval is a huge value for many important open
source initiatives.” Ferris, who also holds a leadership position on the Hyperledger Fabric
project, played an instrumental role in defining the OASIS Open Projects program and now serves on
its Advisory Council.
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