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On 08/11/2019 11:43, sophi wrote:
Yes, but the CoC clearly says: Do not toot in languages other than
English (which makes moderation prohibitively difficult — as discussed
in a separate blog post).
So it's breaking the rules and makes it unusable for the FR community

I don't understand the CoC part. Could you elaborate? Are you speaking
about the fosstodon end user agreement?

Right now, the account on has been created just to be able to
answer people speaking about libreoffice in french. I had setup an
account for the FR community on fosstodon in the past, but since the end
user agreement was advocating against French, I have been thrown out of
the instance.

And wrt. the unusability for the FR community, when the TDF Mastodon
instance will be live, I plan to setup a cross post tool from Twitter ->
no maintenance burden :)

_Advantages of the TDF Mastodon instance:_

  * Having an official instance would allow us to get into the *same
    umbrella* but with OUR rules.
  * Consistency in accounts name.
  * Only TDF/LO accounts (so, no personal account allowed)
  * That way, we still can participate in the federation (the purpose of
    Mastodon/Nextcloud Talk), but everything well organized and
    centralized at TDF.
  * We won't have issues about management (like mentioned in another
    thread by Mike) since TDF sysadmins will be able to take over the
    account if a CM is missing in action.
  * Ability to apply TDF branding on the tool for further integration
    with the website (more on that in another thread).
  * Existing Fosstodon English account will be able to be migrated
    *without any* issue. The new Mastodon migration feature has just
    landed last month. Changing instances is bringing back old
    followers. "Easier than ever, and with 3.0 comes the ability to
    bring your followers with you like magic! Point the old account to
    the new one, and the new one to the old one, using the new
    interface, and your followers will be transferred over!" [1]


  * Yet another communication tool (but for the end users, omnipresence
    is great, even if this is to forward user to community help/our ask
  * You name it?

For those asking about PeerTube, a Mastodon instance if more important
right now, because native language communities are not on parity with
the TDF default English account. And as sysadmin time is limited,
PeerTube is a viable option, but only for the future :)



William Gathoye

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