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Operating System: Windows Vista 64-bit
Preferred Browser: Mozilla Firefox 26 (latest version)

I am having a problem trying to obtain LibreOffice Portable from LibreOffice's website. Here is a summary of what happened when I tried to download LIbreOffice Portable: 1. I went to > Download > Portable (
2. I clicked "LibreOffice 4.1.4 Portable MultilingualNormal" to download it.
3. I got redirected to a URL that I assume is a mirror:
4. Firefox was in the process of downloading the file, just like downloading any other file. But as soon as about 30-40 megabytes of the 113-megabyte file has been downloaded, the browser got the impression that the download was already complete (something wasn't right). 5. I got even more proof when I opened the file. The installer threw the NSIS Error: "Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media."
6. I know that:
- The browser I use does not change the circumstances. I've tried Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome 31, and Firefox 26.
 - The computer I use does not affect anything.
 - Even different routers stalled the download.
 - The time it takes until the download is stalled is relatively the same.
- Other files--even much larger files--download without a single issue, even the LibreOffice installer.

Using this information, I came to conclude that something is wrong with or the mirror (more likely the mirror). The WinPenPack-packaged X-LibreOffice seems to work fine ( However, it is not listed on the LibreOffice website at all. According to someone else (this email was sent over on the Users mailing list): "The marketing team did discuss the WinPenPack option and decided it was a great idea and that there should be a link to it on the LibreOffice web-page about Portable Apps." *This is not a new problem.* This problem has persisted since November! (See Since I'm e-mailing the website mailing list, I have one more question: What's going on with the constant denial of service (website outages) with Is that just scheduled maintenance?


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