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74 is probably the ip address your modem has. the first hop you will see
will be the internal ip address of your LAN then the modem could be a
modem/router so that is probably why you are seeing another internal ip
address before the router of the cable provider.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:21 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster <> wrote:

On 07/25/2013 11:27 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote on 2013-07-25 17:01:

 Just to let you know.....
I tried downloading 4.1.0 Windows and it gave me a download speed of 25
KB/s.  It seems that the "auto-directing" mirror system sent me to a
mirror for download that was near its limits. 2.5 hours to download.  I
went and choose my own mirror and it gave me about 4 minutes for the
same file.

Is the system having problems, or does it just pick a mirror "closest"
to me and not worry if it is over tasked at that point?

thanks for sharing! Our download system assumes the best mirror available
with a variety of parameters. However, it can't be 100% correct, especially
during release days, when a high download rate happens. :-)

Can you try again tomorrow, when the first rush has settled, and if it's
still slow, let me know your IP address and the mirror automatically
chosen? I'll then fine-tune its settings.


I just went to one of the listed US and/or NA mirrors listed in the "Info"
link on the green download button.

As for the mirror that was chosen for me, how do I find that out?

attached for your copy, is the router infothat its setting page displays,
in a JPG file.

The IP address of my cable modem starts with 74.65.x.x
but the Traceroute gives me
--- 192.168.x.x - router
--- 10.225.x.x- modem?
--- 24.94.x.x - local router for the cable modem service

it seems to go from Elmira NY through TW cable system
[74.74.x.x through 107.14.x.x]
"" [207.88.x.x]
and seems to end after 15 hops to
"" [69.16.x.x]

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