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Hello Camille,

Excellent, thanks. Now it's up to us to deliver more content...


Le dimanche 27 janvier 2013 à 18:53 +0100, Camille Moulin a écrit :
Hi Charles, *,

You will find at
an archive with the first prototype.

It contains two pages, one home page + description page but aggregated 
in one file (index.html). The second file libre-office.html is the 
description page part, but is actually not called by index.html.
To see how it works, click on the side arrows, then click on the "Libre 
Office 4" entry in the menu at the bottom of the screen.

A few explantions of what is significant and what is not at this stage :
Significant :
-the main idea of the home page with a full-screen carrousel with blurry 
pictures in the background and text snippets focused on an item you want 
to hightlight
-The idea of a smooth transition to the other part of the file 
(description page).
-the global layout of the home page : a  half circle part at the top of 
the page, a maccaron  for the main call-to-action and a menu at the 
bottom of the screen.
-The formating of the description page.

Not significant at this stage :
- the graphics elements of the background : I picked them as place holders.
- The formatting of the text in the slides.
- the "4" in the top logo : I know it's kinda ugly : I added it myself.
- the content

The points still left to decide:
- The download page.
- The multilingual aspect.

Minimal work still left, in addition to the two previous points:
- Integration tweaking to make the design really responsive
- Proper version of the logo integrating the "4"
- Change the macaron to make it translatable (it's an image at the moment)
- Integration of the content from the marketing team
- Finding graphical elements matching  the content that will be provided 
by the marketing team

Considering this, the schedule seems a little tight, so I hope the dev 
team will have difficulties fixing the last blocking issues ;-).



Le 26/01/2013 18:23, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
Hello everyone,

You should receive content from the marketing team at the beginning of
next week. How are you doing with respect to the three pages ? Do you
have any question or issue?


Charles-H. Schulz
Co-Founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
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