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webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote on 2013-01-15 16:07:
I live in the "county seat" plus just across the river from down town of
the County's "capital" city, and we do not have good things like that.
For the $40 USD we get 15 down and 1 up, if we are very lucky.  Even
though we are paying for that service, we usually get about a tenth of
that on a normal day.
oh, that's really sad to hear. :-(
Before we have some IPv6-only hosts -- which will only be testing machines anyways -- I want to give some instructions on how to get IPv6 connectivity, independent from your ISP.
I have held some talks/workshops on that, and also have some small 
howto, I just need to adapt this a bit, and then plan to publish it.

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