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On 09/19/2012 04:07 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote on 2012-09-19 00:44:
Is there any reasons why Paypal payment services, for taking payments
from a card, not working for TDF donations?

PayPal will not be removed. However, we had dozens of people asking for offering direct credit card payments, because they specifically would not like to use PayPal, so direct credit card payment is another option we provide.


Well, the one thing I like about PayPal is the "insurance factor". If you buy something online and it never comes or some fraud is involved, you can get your money back through part of their service agreement. So if someone, say on eBay, states that they do not take PayPal payments, they are to be avoided.

I do remember that PayPal has/had a credit card service for those "buyers" who do not have a PayPal account. That was a good service.

So what TDF is doing is setting up a system that takes various credit cards directly through the card company's service, or are you contracting a payment service company that processes the card "purchases"?

I do like the reoccurring monthly payments. The you can set up a "donation" cycle, like you do for monthly Internet hosting accounts, so you can just set it up and forget about it, allowing the donations to be "sent" monthly without any hassle of remembering is you sent in a donation that month.

Actually, from a marketing standpoint, having a direct credit/debit card system makes TDF "look" more professional. Almost anyone can setup a PayPal payment system, but it takes a true "professional" business to get a direct card payment service. Or, at least in my area of the world.

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