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On 09/18/2012 04:44 PM, Joel Madero wrote:
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Florian Effenberger <> wrote:


I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening: I've spent
the last few hours on implementing the framework for direct credit card
payments, so people can also directly donate to The Document Foundation
using their credit cards, and for certain countries, even their bank

The basic framework is up and running. If my tests go well, all we need
will be a decent form embedded in our SilverStripe instance, that forwards
to a script I've developed today. That script for sure will also need some
sanity checks and improvements, but basically, it should do what is

I will follow-up on the website list what is to be done soon - if all goes
well, we hopefully can add this long-wanted feature to our donation page.

This sounds great :) Would we be able to set up "recurring donations" with
this? If a user did a $20/annual or $5/monthly donation that would be

Thanks for the update Florian

Best Regards,

Is there any reasons why Paypal payment services, for taking payments from a card, not working for TDF donations?

I really do not know what the advantage or dis-advantages of Paypal vs. other services are.

I really prefer to pay for things using Paypal instead of using my debit card online. 99% of the time, if the people do not take Paypal, I will not buy from them. The only ones that are exceptions is my car insurance and cable/phone bill.


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