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Le 2011-12-07 18:30, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
Thanks for your input.

I wonder how to get feedback from a wider user-base. After all people
did complain loudly in the past that there is no forum, demanded that
we set one up as soon as possible - and when it comes to making a
decision, we fail to reach those users.

It's hard to tell people to use a demo-installation/something where
they cannot expect a real answer and that (because it is a
demo/testing setup), doesn't have the final theming and language
setup... (I'm afraid that people will just vote for phpBB because it
matches the LO theme and not because they like the concept better - if
people prefer phpBB but would like separate forums, this could be done
as well, this after all is the structure that OOo uses)

The NL group leaders (these are the people who are most often seen and easily identified as the leaders on the respective NL mailing lists) should be the ones who should be taking this information back to the various NL groups for discussion and return a summary of the group's decision. There is also the fact that some NL groups may already have a dedicated forums hosted outside of the TDF/LibreOffice zone of influence who may prefer to keep their forums intact and not be included in the list of LibreOffice run forums.

I wonder if this will also be taken into account or has there been a decision from the higher ups (BoD) that the official LibreOffice NL forums will be hosted on the TDF/LibreOffice forums? Unless I am mistaken, this is the stance that was taken with the mailing lists -- all official LibreOffice mailing lists are hosted and maintained on LibreOffice servers. Is this what is being set up? Are we choosing the software (JForum or phpBBJ based on the assumption that the official LibreOffice forums will only be run on/by LibreOffice [servers]? If this is the case, then we should try to send a note to all of the NL groups and wait for feedback. I someone is to send a note to the NL groups then it should be from someone from the BoD to make it more of an official request.



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