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On Sat, 2011-11-26 at 09:34 +0100, Alexander Werner wrote:
Hi Drew, Christian, *,

Am 25.11.2011 um 14:15 schrieb drew:
My question was - do you know of one? Again I thought I was clear, that
you seemed to say that you did not.

A multi-language q&a site that seems to work quite well can be found at

Thanks - Knew that one, but don't see it as multi-lingual, all parts
(UI, Tags, Q + A) are in a single language, based on url.[1] 
What am I missing, or perhaps change of browser language preference is
not enough to show what you mean?

My current plan is to use language tags and automatic tag filters based on the set/determined 
locale of the user for askbot.

OK - well maybe we have been talking past each other - two roads to the
same desired result. The same split, just using tags vs table prefix.

This might have a few advantages even, and then of course allow the
multilingual user to switch language from the UI.

laughing - and I couldn't do without it...but it won't help if there is
multiple languages on the same page.

I personally think there shouldn't be multiple languages on the same page. If someone thinks a 
question is noteworthy enough to translate it, he's able to add another question and answer it 

You wrote that you probably wouldn't use the mixing bowl and throw in
all languages into the same system - so what is your
counter-proposal/what to do instead?

I suppose I'd do the opposite.

This is a quite horrible idea actually…. Think of 105 installations of askbot, 105 databases, 105 
vhosts etc. For askbot it should be quite manageable, as only the settings file must be adapted 
and this can be scripted to share a single installation between multiple settings. But the other 
maintenance overhead is… huge.

HUH - no one in there right mind would make 105 vhosts, nor 105
databases; 1 vhost, 1 database, multiple tables and separate
configurations, you know that. Straw man arguments waste everyone's

Best wishes,


[1] Changed my browser preference from En to De -  is still
English, is still Spanish.

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